Leading with Authenticity Requires Self-Awareness: 3 Powerful Ways to Lead with Authenticity

In a world where authenticity is the new currency, leaders who embrace their true selves stand out. We are all tired of a photoshopped world. When we run across a leader with authenticity, we KNOW they are going to keep it real – even if it’s tough to hear.

Here are three tips to cultivate self-awareness and lead authentically:

1. Ask Yourself WHY: Corporate jargon can trap even the most well-intentioned leaders. Break free by questioning the “why” behind your words. Before you speak, pause and consider: Why am I saying this? Is it aligned with my values? Authenticity begins with clarity.

2. Reframe Your Message: Imagine you’re announcing a policy change you don’t personally agree with – instead of robotically delivering the news, find a way to infuse your truth. Maybe it’s emphasizing the team’s potential or sharing your vision for the business. Authentic leaders find the golden thread within any message.

3. Acknowledge Emotion: Emotions are part of the human experience. When discomfort, uncertainty, or frustration arise, don’t shy away. Acknowledge the elephant in the room. By doing so, you create connection. Remember, emotion is energy in motion—use it to propel authentic leadership.

Keep it real, fellow leaders! Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a superpower.

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