Program List
Executive Presence
In today’s competitive and transparent world, leaders are called to have executive presence more than ever before. Strong performance alone is usually not enough for leaders to move to the next level in their organization. It takes a powerful combination of performance, image, and visibility – all adding up to one’s Executive Presence. How are we perceived by our senior leaders, clients, and team members? Do they view us as a leader who is a strong communicator, confident, and influential? Or do they simply see us as one who delivers day-to-day information without thought to how it drives the organization’s strategic vision? Having authentic Executive Presence is the career differentiator today – at your company – and everywhere.
Media Training
In today’s instant news world, every person with a cell phone should be considered a reporter, because a story – good or bad – can be shot and uploaded to a major news organization’s website in fewer than 30 seconds. This program is designed for leaders preparing for an upcoming media interview or those who may face microphones in the future. Through realistic, videotaped role plays, discussion and excerpts of real interviews with business executives, leaders will learn how to take control of an interview.
Personal Branding
Regardless of the position you hold, you are your biggest asset…or liability. Discover how you come across to colleagues and customers, how well you influence those around you, how you express yourself in communications and appearance, and how you position yourself in your organization. In this interactive and engaging format, you’ll learn to leverage your brand strengths and reduce your brand liabilities.
Strategic Communication
As a leader, you are on display every day and are judged on how effectively you communicate business objectives and company values. The Black Sheep formula for success covers five modules: visual, voice, verbal, vocal and value.
Don’t see what you’re looking for above?
All of our engagements are customized for our clients’ needs. We can build an exclusive program using any of the modules listed below.
Virtual Communications with Impact
Based on the current global challenges we are all facing, leadership and executive presence are more important than ever. Online communications to connect with employees will have great impact for the foreseeable future. Ensuring that messages are presented to team members or senior leaders in a way that achieves goals and establishes next steps will be especially key when using virtual communication tools. Being a strong leader, notably online at the moment, will be vital to guiding your company beyond the current business horizon.
Managing a Crisis in Unknown Situations
Successful crisis management (CM) addresses on-the-fly problem solving as well as bolsters overall confidence in leaders. Therefore, when leaders design and deliver a solid CM strategy, the payoff isn’t seen just in the immediate situation, such as the coronavirus scenario, it’s also remembered when the next crisis occurs; ensuring a greater rate of retention after the storm has passed.
Introduction to Systems Thinking
Systems Thinking is a discipline and a powerful tool for helping leaders see the interrelationships within the organization, understand the connections between seemingly unrelated parts, and develop an ability to see “leverage.” This understanding is especially important as a crisis like the coronavirus impacts so many as the effects ripple across the system. Systems intelligence is on target to become one of the most sought-after skills in the next five to seven years due to the rate of change expected to unfold. We are entering an era that is NOT business as usual. This means it is imperative that leaders begin to anticipate how the system – internally and externally – may react to change. More importantly, understanding the concept of leverage will be crucial to making decisions about where and how to invest both financial and human capital resources.
Enhancing Global Communications
Technology has broken barriers by allowing every business to interact on a global level and build international teams of experts. Yet with that global reach comes profound limitations in human interaction. Around the world, leaders suffer from never shaking hands, sharing a meal or even just having casual conversation with their team members. The cost of missing these live interactions is seen in soaring attrition rates and costly miscommunication issues. Perhaps it’s time we all slow down to review the things we can do to make this situation better.
Managing Across the Generations
Traditionalists who wander around spewing “Back in my day…” stories; Baby Boomers stymied by the need for TikTok; Millennials flip-flopping around the office; Gen Xers demanding continuous promotions; Gen 2020ers surgically attached to smartphones: Generational stereotypes like these make daily headlines, but are they true? In the race to keep up with all the demands made on them, leaders can be tempted to fall back on the easy answer – “It’s not me, it’s their generation that’s the problem.” Having worked with thousands of leaders on all levels around the world, Black Sheep has gathered evidence that most stereotypes are falsehoods. Furthermore, even when there is a generational issue, it can almost always be resolved by going beyond stereotypes to truly understand the influences that helped form who we are.
Emotional Intelligence for Leaders
Leaders have always required enough intellectual ability and technical know-how to do their jobs. However, in order to create and maintain a cutting-edge position, leaders need to see beyond the known and garner the trust necessary to lead others there. This level of leadership requires initiative, empathy, adaptability and persuasiveness. In other words, Emotional Intelligence (EI.)
EI is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and manage the emotions of the people around you. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know what they’re feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions can affect others. They’ve also strengthened their ability to recognize the emotions being experienced by those around them, with learned tools for managing emotional situations. This highly interactive discussion will introduce the core Emotional Intelligence components: self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness and relationship management, as well as techniques for further developing EI.
Coaching Conversations
Competition for top talent has never been fiercer as companies must not only attract but also retain the kind of talent that provides a competitive edge. Studies by Gallup and others have found that people don’t leave positions, they leave bad bosses. And millennial workers have demonstrated a strong preference for bosses who coach rather than dictate. In this webinar, interactive discussion participants will take an in-depth look at coaching through the lens of Black Sheep’s SOAR coaching model: Specific, Offline, Acknowledgement, Reward.
Leadership Communications Through DiSC
Great leadership begins with knowing one’s own natural tendencies as well as recognizing behavior patterns in others. This session, based on the DiSC Behavioral Communications Profile, teaches how to build rapport and problem solve with others by matching their style preferences.
Outstanding Customer Service
Delivering Outstanding Customer Service is a concept frequently lost in the day-to-day flurry of normal work activity. We get so caught up in answering emails and working on projects with demanding deadlines, that we often forget that none of those emails or projects matter if we do not have customers who love what we do for them. And yet, we all know that it takes a great deal more time and money to obtain a new client than it does to keep a current one. In this highly interactive program, participants will revive their competencies in defining what outstanding customer service looks like, skills for attentive listening, overcoming objections, managing disgruntled customers, delivering difficult news and more.
Fasting Thinking – An Introduction to Improv
Improv techniques teach people to react and adapt quickly to unanticipated events, stay in the moment, listen attentively, and “think on their feet.” Improv promotes creativity, innovation, and leadership abilities. In this introductory session, participants learn to listen to what is said by someone else, accept what has been said, and then build upon that idea.

Customized Consulting & Coaching
Targeted one-on-one and group coaching packages available as well as customized consulting for communications and leadership professionals.
- Leaders Follow Their Hearts
- Everyone’s a Reporter
- Empowered Women Leaders
- Unleash Your Best Self
- Where the Rubber Meets the Road
Don’t see what you’re looking for above?
All of our engagements are customized for our clients’ needs. We can build an exclusive program using any of the modules listed below.